Self Tests for Hip Range of Motion


Bent Knee Fall-In:

Lying on your back, bend both knees.  Spread both feet apart just wider than shoulder width, making sure each foot is equidistant from your midline.  Allow one knee to “fall-in”, noting how far it falls inward and how easy the motion feels before your pelvis begins to move off of the floor.  Repeat on the other side, again comparing range of motion and feel.  A “positive” test would be indicated by a lack of motion on one side compared to the other.


Straight Leg Raise Test:

Lie on your back and let both legs rest straight out in front of you.  Slowly raise one leg up to a point of end range of motion or comfortable stretch, making sure to keep the leg straight.  Note the range of motion.  Repeat this motion on your opposite side and compare the feel of stretch and range of motion from one side to the other.  If the test is positive, one leg will not raise as high as the other.


Seated Hip Rotation Test:

Sitting tall with knees bent and feet off of ground, rotate heels outward.  Compare the range of motion right versus left.  If the test is positive, one foot will not move out to the side as much as the other.


Hip Crossover Test:

Lying on your back with your legs out straight, grab one knee with opposite hand and pull up and across toward that shoulder. (i.e. to test right hip, hold right knee with left hand and pull toward left shoulder).  Compare flexibility, and specifically whether you feel a binding or pinching in the front of the hip or groin.  Normally, you should feel a stretch in the buttock. When the test is positive, you will feel more pressure and binding in the front of one hip.


Shoulder Rotation Test:

Lie on your back with both shoulders and elbows bent at 90 degrees and fingers pointing straight up towards the ceiling.  Slowly allow one palm to rotate down towards the floor, noting how far it goes before your shoulder begins to roll upwards off the floor.  Repeat on opposite side and compare feel as well as range of motion from one side to the other.  If one hand does not rotate down towards the floor as much as the other, the test is positive.


If any one or more of the tests are positive, please consult one of our physical therapists  970.663.6142 OR email us at [email protected]

Self Tests

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