Check out all the great things Rebound was doing last week thanks to our committed staff!!



  1. Anna led a dynamic warm up at Altitude Running’s weekly run Monday 3/18 and presented following the run on the importance of activating key running muscles and why these muscles aren’t always ready to go.











2. For those of you who didn’t see it, Tyler had a patient who was featured in the Coloradoan for his recovery post-concussion. Tyler did an awesome job and there are some great pics of the Loveland clinic, as well as a video. Check it out!


3.Tori at the Source Endurance Spring Training Camp Saturday 3/23: Tori provided gua sha and cupping services to cyclists after day 3 of a 4 day training camp. She was able to help spread the word that here at Rebound, we do more than just physical therapy – we can help athletes with recovery too through our host of soft tissue services.







4.Rebound at the Spring Equinox Half Marathon and 4 mile – Sunday 3/24: Thanks to the entire team that helped! Anna, Crissy, Jon, Brad, Kevin, Jenn, Amie, Karen, Larissa, Katie, Nicole, and Jill Bedard


The dynamic (and dangerous?) pre-race warm-up – Thanks Anna and Crissy for not being afraid of heights









The Rebound Recovery Room – Thanks to all the booth volunteers and to Jill for providing massage services to the runners.









The Rebound Rescue Runner








And speaking of The Rebound Rescue Runner – he made news too!